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Twitter and Shadow Banning

MJ Tsai:

I guess I have no way of knowing whether any tweets have been hidden from me by Twitter’s ranking algorithm. As far as I know, no one I follow has complained about being censored. But I would prefer to just always see everything. If someone I follow is posting bad stuff, I want to know that, and then I can just choose to unfollow them.

100% akkoord.

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The Expensive Education of Mark Zuckerberg and Silicon Valley

Kara Swisher, nu bij The New York Times:

The arms race metaphor is a good one, but not for the reasons Facebook intended. Here’s how I see it: Facebook, as well as Twitter and Google’s YouTube, have become the digital arms dealers of the modern age.

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Stumbles? What Stumbles? Big Tech Is as Strong as Ever

Farhad Manjoo, on a roll, bij The New York Times:

Despite the public outcry, the five are all expanding their foothold in our lives, and the forces arrayed against them, which range from regulation to apathy, aren’t having a substantial impact. To the extent that the five companies face meaningful competition, it is usually from other members of the group; that is, one of the five might steal market share from another without affecting the overall dynamic in the tech business.

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Refresh – a fresh approach to the web browser

Wat een ongelooflijk mooi concept:

We spend so much time browsing the web that we hardly even think about the browser as an app. And while the web itself has undergone big changes in the last twenty years, browsers have remained largely the same. Refresh is a concept for a modern web browser based on iOS Safari.

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What Stays on Facebook and What Goes? The Social Network Cannot Answer

Farhad Manjoo bij The New York Times:

In exchanges with reporters and lawmakers over the past week, its leaders — including Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive — have been comically tripped up by some of the most basic questions the site faces.

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The tiny nation leading a new space race

Luxemburg, begot!

There now are 10 space-mining companies (including ispace) legally domiciled in Luxembourg since the launch of the country’s space resources law in February 2016. This was fuelled by a fund worth $223m (200m euros/£176m).


Luxembourg’s Space Resources Act opened a floodgate for investment, with the ministry of economy now saying the space industry accounts for some 1.8% of the nation’s GDP, the highest ratio of any EU country.

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Zuckerberg: The Recode interview

Markske zat samen met de onnavolgbare Kara Swisher van Recode. Één van de meest belangrijke interviews van het jaar. Een stukje quoten doet het oneer aan, maar ik doe het toch:

I think that the main thing that I’ve tried to internalize this year is we get that there’s a big responsibility and a lot of things that we need to do better than we are.

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Democracy Isn’t Perfect, But It Will Still Prevail

James Stavridis voor TIME:

We can all hope that the battle to defend democracy will be less costly in the 21st century than in the previous one. We can enhance our chances of winning by empowering women, boosting programs that fight economic inequality and teaching our children the critical thinking skills they need to separate truth from lies.

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What if people were paid for their data?

Interessant gedachte-experiment bij The Economist:

Labour, like data, is a resource that is hard to pin down. Workers were not properly compensated for labour for most of human history. Even once people were free to sell their labour, it took decades for wages to reach liveable levels on average. History won’t repeat itself, but chances are that it will rhyme, Mr Weyl predicts in “Radical Markets”, a provocative new book he has co-written with Eric Posner of the University of Chicago. He argues that in the age of artificial intelligence, it makes sense to treat data as a form of labour.

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Most Valuable Sports Teams

(via de uitstekende dagelijkse nieuwsbrief Morning Brew)

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