
Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology

Apple Newsroom:

Google and Apple are announcing a joint effort to enable the use of Bluetooth technology to help governments and health agencies reduce the spread of the virus, with user privacy and security central to the design.

Dit stemt me wel hoopvol. Het principe van contact tracing is niet dat de overheid weet wie waar in contact gekomen is, zoals ze dat in sommige Aziatische landen doen, maar dat jij weet of je in nauw contact met een zieke geweest bent. Dat kán zonder schending van de privacy, maar is geen zekerheid. Dat Apple zich hiervoor engageert, en niet door derde partijen en verschillende overheden gaat gebeuren, lijkt me net ietsje meer garantie daarop.

Matthew Panzarino op Techcrunch:

All identification of matches is done on your device, allowing you to see — within a 14-day window — whether your device has been near the device of a person who has self-identified as having tested positive for COVID-19.

Mark Gurman van Bloomberg:

Consent is required and location data is not collected. The technology also won’t notify users who they came into contact with, or where that happened. The companies said they can’t see this data either, and noted that the whole system can be shut down when needed.

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