Daily Dot vond een bedrijfje dat interessant gebruik maakt van cookies aan de hand waarvan Facebook je targeted ads kan tonen. Zo kan een winkel je de uitbreidingset van Kolonisten van Catan aanbevelen als je het spel bij hen kocht. Of, zoals Spinner doet, gedragsbeïnvloeding in gang steken door mensen artikels te laten zien:
Regardless of the exact provenance of its source material, it’s clear that the Spinner has entered something of a gray area by selling husbands the opportunity to “brainwash” (a word Shefler himself uses) their wives into having sex with them. While the Spinner offers a range of other relatively benign campaigns—including “Quit smoking!” “Stop eating meat!” and “Stop riding motorcycles!”—the “Initiate sex!” one is easily the most popular, and its purchasers are so far 100 percent male. This compares to 82 percent for all of the Spinner’s campaigns as a whole—approximately 150,000 to date—indicating the kind of demographic to which the Spinner’s services generally appeal.