
Fall Skirmish Announcement

Ik was heel grote fan van de Summer Skirmish van Fortnite. Vooral het laatste weekend op PAX West was smullen. Nu de Fall Skirmish is aangekondigd, weet ik weet wat kijken dit najaar (naast veldrijden, NFL, MLB, voetbal en andere).

Interessant twist: er komen niet enkel wedstrijden maar ook ‘entertainment’:

The new approach for Fall Skirmish will include both Competitive and Entertainment play formats. We’re looking to incorporate some of these new formats into our large-scale events in 2019. During Fall Skirmish, players will proudly represent themed teams and earn points based on their performances in both play formats. Each week will pose new challenges like white-knuckle ATK races, masterful golf outings, mini-games, and of course high skill competition every weekend.

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