Studies find that Fortnite’s players spend one to one and a half hours per day in the game, versus thirty minutes for active Snapchat or Instagram users. Fortnite wasn’t designed to be a Second Life-style experience, or even a digital “third place“; it became one organically. What’s more, it is drastically out-monetizing dedicated social squares such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram – even combined.
De toekomst zou wel eens de metaverse kunnen zijn, zegt hij:
However, the opportunity in front of Epic is Olympic in size. While a 1v100 Battle Royale might seem like a strange bus to the future, the largest platforms and industry changers of the digital era were rarely built to be either. Facebook was a campus “Hot or Not”, after all, and Netflix was about avoiding DVD rental late fees. The difference here is Sweeney is keenly aware of the Metaverse opportunity, as well as a path forward with Fortnite. This will not be an accident.
Ook op WIRED gaat het daarover:
“The Fortnite phenomenon shows it doesn’t take that much technological connection for people to feel that they are together in a virtual place—to make friends, and to start caring about what happens to their characters.”