
Growing Anti-Semitism in Germany – ‘We Are Facing a Monster’

Charlotte Knobloch in een interview in Der Spiegel. Wie is die vrouw?

Charlotte Knobloch was born in Munich in 1932. She avoided deportation when a former family servant claimed she was her own daughter out of wedlock. Her father survived the war as a forced laborer. Knobloch has been president of the Israeli Cultural Union for Munich and Upper Bavaria since 1985. From 2006 to 2010, she was president of the Central Council for Jews in Germany.

Niet niemand, dus. En wat heeft ze te zeggen?

Personally, I feel like it is 1928 again.

En ook:

My hopes are very much pinned on young people who are more interested in the history of their own country than was the case 10 or 15 years ago.

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