
Inside the Members-Only Eating Clubs of San Sebastián

Christopher Bagley:

The boisterous Basque restaurant of your dreams isn’t a restaurant at all, but one of San Sebastián’s fabled sociedades gastronómicas, members-only social clubs whose existence revolves entirely around food. In a town where cooking and eating seem to be the raisons d’être for just about everything, from the three-star restaurants to the napkins-on-the-floor pintxo joints, these culinary clubs, which have been around for about 150 years, still harbor some of the most interesting kitchens of all.

Wauw, van zoiets zou ik onmiddellijk lid willen worden. Één van de redenen waarom ik ooit nog wel hotelavondschool zou willen doen, voor die culinaire vriendschappen.

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