Zowat het beste wat ik dit jaar al las op het internet, deze post van Eugene Wei. Als is het wel een serieuze long-long-longread.
It’s difficult to overstate what a momentous sea change it was for hundreds of millions, and eventually billions, of humans who had grown up competing for status in small tribes, to suddenly be dropped into a talent show competing against EVERY PERSON THEY HAD EVER MET.
Wow, that post over there has ten times the likes that my latest does! Okay, what can I learn from it to use in my next post? Which of my content is driving the most likes? We talk about the miracles of machine learning in the modern age, but as social creatures, humans are no less remarkable in their ability to decipher and internalize what plays well to the peanut gallery.
For any single user, the stickiness of a social network often correlates strongly with the volume of social capital they’ve amassed on that network. People sometimes will wholesale abandon social networks, but it’s rare unless the status earned there has undergone severe deflation.