
The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis

Stewart M. Patrick in Foreign Affairs:

If a crisis of this magnitude cannot reshape how countries formulate their national interests, definitions of international security, or approaches to the global economy, perhaps nothing will. But this predicament does not call for resignation. It cries out, instead, for a commitment to our role as stewards of the only planet we have. It cries out for planetary politics.

Dat is uiteraard een open deur intrappen. De man biedt een aantal kapstokken, zoals:

The most effective solution would be for WTO members to adopt a blanket climate waiver that permits so-called border adjustments for carbon in the form of taxes on imports and rebates on exports. This would permit EU countries, for instance, to penalize imports of carbon-intensive cement from Russia and Turkey and reward other trading partners that use greener production methods. Such an arrangement would encourage the formation of “climate clubs,” made up of countries committed to reducing emissions and thus eligible for nondiscriminatory treatment.

De EU werd ooit gestart vanuit een gemeenschappelijk belang in steenkool. Misschien moeten we nieuwe instrumenten ontwikkelen die klimaatvriendelijke naties in staat stellen om nieuwsoortige samenwerkingen te verzinnen. We steken enorm veel energie om alle EU-lidstaten mee te krijgen, terwijl er over grenzen en oceanen heen misschien veel meer te betekenen valt.

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